# this is a test ## Abstract ## Contributors - jane doe, jane.doe@example.com, https://orcid.org/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX [Please mention your contributors either by including a contributors list here, or by referring to another file that lists your contributors, see documentation for options and examples.] ## List of experiments ### 001 raw data consists of..., its format is ..., it is organised following own organisation (specify) / standard X derived data consists of..., its format is ..., ## Direct links (inside or outside this repository) - todo list: [use issues](../../issues) - data management plan: [01_project_management/05_data_management_plans](01_project_management/05_data_management_plans) - Smartfigure tag: [YOURTAG](https://sdash.sourcedata.io/?q=YOURTAG) : replace YOURTAG in the url and the text. ## Other information **Note:** This repository follows the Research repository template, v.2.2, see [further information offline](.doc/information.md) or [the online documentation page](https://gin-tonic.netlify.app/). We added submodules and scripts (https://github.com/tonic-team/synchronisation_scripts/releases/tag/0.0.9). To use the script check the Rstudio users, copy paste this in the terminal tab: sh ssh-init-sync